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Atmaya Fellowship Meetings May 26, 2018
Atmaya fellowship meetings will be held on all Tuesdays at 7:30 pm in the Church.
Easter March 12, 2018
Easter, Holy Communion Service at Sanpada at 5.30am and at Panvel at 10 am.
Family Retreat March 12, 2018
Family Retreat from 9am to 2pm.
Good Friday March 12, 2018
Good Friday, combined service atSanpada at 8am.
Maundy Thursday March 12, 2018
Maundy Thursday, combined Holy Communion Service at Sanpada at 8pm (First Floor)
Church Convention March 12, 2018
Church Convention is arranged during Passion Week on 27th and 28th March from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. The Speaker will be Rev. Santhosh Mathew, Director, Palliative Care, BJM Hospital Pallom and Associate Vicar. St. Baptist Church, Pallom. He is a good preacher and a counselor. Therefore, I urge you to kindly make use of his ministry over here. He will lead all the worship services during the Passion Week, Convention and the family retreat. I request all the members to kindly attend all the meetings and worship services during that week. Also invite your relatives, friends and members of the sister churches for these meetings.
Holy Communion Service March 12, 2018
Holy Communion Service in English at Sanpada at 7.00am and at Panvel at 11am.
Lenten Prayers March 12, 2018
Lenten prayers at Jubilee Church, Sanpada at 8pm
Matins Service March 12, 2018
Matins service at Sanpada at 7am and Holy Communion at 11am at Panvel Worship Center.
Lenten Prayers March 12, 2018
Lenten prayers at Jubilee Church, Sanpada at 8pm